Safe driving is imperative! Especially on Halloween! Navigating the streets as children trick or treat is something that every safe driver should be extra vigilant about.

If you’re taking your little ones out for a night of trick or treating, be sure to follow these safety tips!


If you’re planning on hitting the roads on Halloween night follow these safe driving tips:

  • Drive 5 below the speed limit in residential neighborhoods
  • Watch out for children as they walk on the street, medians or other walkways close to the road
  • Keep an eye out for trick or treaters in dark costumes, as you may not see them on the road
  • Always yield to pedestrians
  • Eliminate distractions like your cell phone or loud music in the vehicle
  • Always use a designated driver if you plan to drink


Halloween should be a fun and exciting time for everyone who plans to participate. But with fun comes safety and it is important to stay vigilant while on the road.

Review these safe driving tips to keep you and your family safe this holiday!

Happy Halloween from the Payne Auto Group!