When you’re in a car accident, the damage can be far more than what happened to your vehicle.

Although modern vehicles have tons of safety features to protect you and your passengers from harm in an accident, they are not 100% effective in preventing all injury.

That is where PIP insurance comes in handy! Read on to see what PIP insurance is and how it can help you.

So, What is PIP Insurance?

PIP insurance stands for ‘personal injury protection’, and it is an extension of auto insurance that covers medical treatment after an accident.

PIP insurance is also no-fault insurance, which means that regardless of who is responsible for the accident, the PIP insurance will cover you. PIP insurance even works if you are a passenger in a vehicle or a pedestrian, and can even cover lost wages as a result of an accident.

Do I Need PIP Insurance?

Remember, that PIP insurance is not the same as ‘bodily injury protection’, which would fall under liability insurance. Liability insurance protects others who have been harmed in an accident, and not yourself.

In Texas, PIP insurance is not required, but it is optional. If you have health insurance, PIP insurance may seem redundant- but using PIP before your health insurance can save you from using up your health insurance.

PIP is a great option to have because it then adds some cushion to the blow after an auto accident-related injury.

Payne Insurance Group

Payne Insurance Group has partnered with over 13 businesses across the Rio Grande Valley, As a result, we have created a one-stop-shop for all your automotive needs.

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